A good credit score is your key to financial freedom, comfort, and success. So, if you find yourself suffering from bad credit, then repairing your credit score should be your topmost priority. Fortunately, repairing your credit score is highly possible with these important methods listed below.

How can you repair bad credit in Australia?
Get a Copy of your Credit Report
The initial step in repairing bad credit is by identifying the root cause of the problem. Whether you’ve been making late payments or are a victim of identity theft, knowing the reason behind your bad credit score is important in order for you to create an effective solution.
Pay Credit Agreements, Loans, and Bills On Time
If you’re prone to making late payments in the abovementioned, then it’s time to change your payment pattern and pay all your dues on time. Every timely payment that you will make will be added to your credit history and eventually improve your credit score.

Pick the Right Credit Card
When it comes to picking a credit card, choose one that has lower interest rates and fees to ensure that you will always have the financial ability to pay the repayments on time.
Seek Out a Payment Plan
In case you find yourself in a financial situation where you can’t pay your dues on time, do not hesitate to communicate with the concerned company to seek out a payment plan. The most important thing is for your account not to be submitted to a collection agency as this will leave a blemish on your credit history for up to seven (7) years.
Stop Credit Inquiries
Multiple credit inquiries can affect your credit score negatively, especially because you’re already suffering from bad credit. To stop unnecessary credit inquiries, it is highly advisable to think twice before opening a new credit account or applying for a loan. Whether you’re approved or not, a credit inquiry can drop your credit score which will make it more difficult for you to repair your bad credit.